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Ruthie's Inn Discography

This is a discography of albums recorded at Ruthie's Inn in Berkeley.

Ruthie's Inn, located at 2618 San Pablo Avenue in Berkeley, was a thrash metal and punk rock venue for 4 or 5 years in the middle of the 1980's.

The building has subsequently been used as retail premises and as a church and, at the time of writing is an event center.

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Public Flipper Limited: Live 1980-1985, Flipper, 1986

One of the tracks on this 2 LP (or 2 CD) collection was recorded at Ruthie's Inn in August 1983.

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Eastern Front: Live At Ruthie's Inn, Various Artists, 1986

Most of the tracks on this 2 LP collection were recorded at Ruthie's Inn in 1985.

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US Speedcore Invasion, Various Artists, 1986

Most of the tracks on this LP collection were recorded at Ruthie's Inn in 1985. This LP is a European release. It comprises a selection of tracks from the Eastern Front: Live At Ruthie's Inn double LP listed above.

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Morally Bankrupt, Morally Bankrupt, 2001

One of the tracks on this collection was recorded at Ruthie's Inn in 1985.

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Ashes From Hell, Possessed, 2006

Two of the tracks on this 7" single were recorded at Ruthie's Inn in September 1985.

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The Lowlife Chronicles: 1984-1988, Cryptic Slaughter, 2017

Two of the tracks on this collection were recorded at Ruthie's Inn in December 1985.

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Last updated October 2019